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By Tynesha Smith
The parent's role is essential in
connecting young children to the world of reading. Here are some ideas from
the National PTA to help get started:
- Have a Book Blast! Surround your child
with language through books. Read rhymes and stories; talk with them about
the words and sounds in books. Kids are curious about how language works.
Capitalize on what interests them, and let stories and words become a part
of your daily lives.
- Bet on the alphabet. Give your child
opportunities to play with the alphabet and experiment with sounds. Use
magnetic letters or paper and crayons for writing. Try alphabet books and
CD-ROM reading programs.
- Play phonics games. A wonderful place
to start is with the letters and sounds in your child's name. Or, ask
her/him to tell you all the "b" words on the table (for example,
bread, beans, bacon).
- Play with words. As you read with your
child, point to the words on the page and stretch out some of the sounds.
That way he/she can see and hear how language is put together. When he/she
begins reading without you, focus on ways he can figure things out on his
own. Questions like, "How could you figure it out?" and
"Does that make sense?" have been shown to foster an independent
sense of problem solving.
- Team up with teachers. Most important
of all, become partners with your children's teacher. Together, you can
have the power to grow your children into readers and writers, which will
pay off for the rest of their lives.
- Make time for reading! Find 15 minutes
somewhere in your day for these ideas for quick reading fun:
- License to read - On car trips, make
it a game to point out and read license plates, billboards, and
interesting road signs.
- Better than TV - Swap evening TV for
a good action story or tale of adventure.
- Look and listen - Too tired to read
aloud? Listen to a book on tape and turn the nook's pages with your
children. You'll still be reading to them!
- Labels, labels, labels - Label things
in your children's room as they learn to name them. Have fun while they
learn that written words are connected to everyday things.
- Pack a snack; pack a book - Going
someplace where there might be a long wait? Bring along a snack and a bag
of favorite books.
How To Improve Your Office Space
How To Improve
Your Office Space
By Tonya Love
Here are some simple tips to turn
your office into a home away from home.
- Select a theme for your office. (A
favorite hobby would be a great starting point.)
- Look for pictures and artwork that
incorporates your theme.
- Use accents (picture frames, lamps,
and etc.).
- Select additional items to bring to
your office that will remind you of home.
- Try to find ways to incorporate color
into your office. ( pillows, accent rugs, and chair cushions)
Make sure the current layout of
the office works best for you.
Essential Exercise Information for Pregnant Women
Exercise Information for Pregnant Women
By Sondra Etchison
The information in this article is
listed in the August/September 2004 edition of Fit Pregnancy Magazine.
The following is a summary of the American College of Obstetricians and
Gynecologists’ guidelines for exercising while expecting that new bundle of
joy! (Obstetrics & Gynecology 2002; 99: 171-173).
1. Pregnant women are encouraged
to engage in 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise on most, if not all, days
of the week. Always check with your physician before beginning any exercise
2. After the first trimester,
pregnant women should avoid standing motionless for too long and exercising
while lying on their backs.
3. Participation in a wide range
of recreational activities appears to be safe. However, activities with a high
risk of falling or abdominal trauma should be avoided; these include
basketball, soccer, in-line skating, downhill skiing, horseback riding, ice
hockey, gymnastics, and vigorous racquet sports.
4. Scuba diving is not safe at
any time during pregnancy.
5. Exertion at altitudes of up to
6,000 feet appears to be safe. However, engaging in physical activities at
higher altitudes carry various risks and should be avoided.
How much weight should you gain? Here
are the recommendations from the Institute of Medicine.*
(End of Excerpt)
Your Voluntary Bank Teller: Tina Player
Voluntary Bank Teller: Tina Player
In case you didn’t know, Tina
Player is your voluntary bank teller for Church Koinonia Federal Credit Union.
She has been actively opening new accounts and taking deposits for church
members since its beginning in January 2000. Many members normally see her on
Sundays with their deposits. Tina ensures that your monies are promptly
deposited into the credit union or bank on Mondays. As the volunteer bank
teller, Tina makes saving convenient. She helps you to not make excuses for
being unable to get your monies into your account on a regular basis.
If we haven’t said so, we regular
depositors appreciate Tina and thank her for taking the time to help us help
In case you did not know, the
World’s Church of the Living God is a member of the Church Koinonia
Association, and you are eligible to become a member of the Church Koinonia
Federal Credit Union. Members of our satellite churches are also eligible. The
minimum initial deposit is $30.00, which includes a $5.00 membership fee to
join and $25.00 for a share.
Church Koinonia Federal Credit
Union would be a good place to start building your assests. You can start your
savings with a small amount and then increase your savings to a larger amount
as you see fit. Just save regularly! Regularity in saving boosts your
financial base, may improve your credit history, and creates assets for you to
borrow money when you may need it. Church Koinonia Federal Credit union just
may be the place where you members in the satellite churches could save the
monies that you really don’t want to touch right away.
Dismah and Maria pledged their
love for each other on August 28, 2004, at the World's Church of the Living God
in Chattanooga. The grand affair was said to be a very beautiful and romantic day
for the happy couple. Best wishes to both of you!
There's a new bundle of joy in the
home of Willie and Kecia Moss. Little Naomi Shanyale Moss was born earlier this
month, weighing in at 6 lbs. 4 oz. Congratulations on your new
arrival! Isn't she lovely?